A handbag and bag hardware product quality, an important part is its quality, the quality determines the flexibility, durability and life of various components. General metal parts generally feel bad, manual parts rough, long time is prone to problems.
Handbags, bags and hardware products should choose high quality hardware accessories. The processing of inferior hardware accessories will make the bag and bag open not flexible, push, shut, slip, droop or even fall off, bring troubles and inconvenience to the consumers. The price, grade and life of handbags, bags and hardware accessories are the key factors restricting the value and life of handbags.
When buying hardware buckle, hardware lock, metal hand pull (hand handle), corner protection, and other handbag and bag hardware accessories, it is pushed and pulled several times, feeling its sliding, open and smooth. A lock with strong safety performance is selected and purchased. When you purchase, you can use the key to insert several times to see if it is smooth, whether the surface is smooth or not, and whether the switch is saved. When choosing good cosmetic bags and hardware accessories, it mainly depends on whether the appearance is defective, how the electroplating luster is, whether the feel is smooth or not.